Your heated apparel isn’t exclusively for skiing, snowboarding, or extreme winter sports! Break out the gear for any occasion. In today’s blog, I’m going to list a few occasions to wear your heated clothing that you may not have thought of before.
At the very least, you could use this information as a winter activity bucket list! Rather than put on your unwieldy snow pants every time you go outside, your heated pants, jackets and gloves will do the truck!
Whenever you’re feeling cold, whip out the heated apparel.
Building a Snowman
Your child is desperate to build a snowman! Let’s be honest, you’re dying to help out. It’s been too long! It’ll take you right back to those joyful memories of childhood, when your family built a snowman together.
The snow is powdery and fresh; you can tell that this snow will pack together perfectly for a snowman. Grab your partner and your children and head outdoors.
To stay warm, use your heated apparel. It’s much less restrictive than multiple layers. Don’t forget to grab a carrot for the nose!
Ice Fishing
Whether you’re a seasoned ice-fisher or a newbie, ice fishing is an activity for anyone! If you love fishing in the summer, why not try it in the winter?
What’s holding you back? Let me guess….the freezing cold! Don’t let weather get in the way of your plans. Wearing a heated vest, hat, gloves, and socks will allow you to withstand the freezing temperature for much longer.
Maybe you’ll be able to catch dinner tonight! Good luck!
Tubing or Sledding
It just snowed and you have a big hill in mind that is perfect for sledding. Plus, it’s a snow day! Your kids are begging you to take them sledding. Nothing screams snow day like sledding down a huge hill.
You can still have fun sledding if you don’t have kids. Still, this winter activity will take you back to those coveted snow days of your childhood. Or, hit the slopes with your tube!
Wear your heated gear beneath your coat and snow pants to stay warm. Walking up the hill with the sled when you’re miserable and chilled to the bone is never any fun!
Ice Skating
Don’t forget about ice skating! Even though you’re gliding across the ice at a fast pace, you’re feeling a bit chilly. The wind is nipping at your hands and you feel as though your toes are numb underneath those skates.
Keeping your hands, feet, and head warm is crucial during these types of winter activities. You won’t be able to last very long or skate to your fullest potential when you’re turning into an ice cube. Try out our heated socks, gloves, and hat the next time you’re on the ice!

If you’re looking to play some outdoor football with friends or your family, stay warm out there! There’s alway someone in the crowd that likes to tackle people to the ground.
Well, today, that ground is covered in snow. Whether you’re competitive or not, you want to be able to perform at your best. Heated apparel could give you that edge you need.
You’ll be able to outrun your competition!
These winter activities will certainly put you in a great mood. I don’t know about you, but for me, nothing in this world is quite so bad as freezing out in the cold!
It’s one of your favorite winter pastimes, yet you can’t seem to warm up or have any fun. Next time you engage in one of these activities, don’t forget to wear your heated clothing.
You’ll have fun all day long. Crank up the heat!